Friday the 13th Superstitions


September 13th, 2013


Paraskevidekatriaphobics and triskaidekaphobes everywhere are curled up in a ball, waiting for today to be over. The number thirteen has historically had a bad rep for being unlucky—buildings won’t have an official 13th floor, cities won’t have a 13th St. or Ave., past events that coincidently had the number thirteen associated with it. Friday the 13th causes many people to carefully move about their day, being mindful of any superstitions or good luck charms.

What sort of good juju habits do members of the BT team believe in?

Sam B.: “The number 3. That’s all.”

Kirsten: “I’m superstitious about walking underneath ladders, white lighters, black cats, and crows. Seriously, keep that all far way from me.”

Nicole: “I can never remember which shoulder you should throw salt over after spilling it, so I do both just in case. I also always pick up a penny for good luck, only if it’s heads though. Otherwise, have to turn it over for the next person.”

Melissa: “I have to light my creativity candle any time I need to sort out some sort of problem.”


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