Archive for the ‘Cool Campaigns’ Category

Keebler’s Tiny Door Project Is A Magical Brand Experience


September 18th, 2013


Leo Burnett brought the Keebler Elves to life with its latest project. Tiny doors at the base of trees have appeared across the country with no branding except for a hashtag, #tinydoors. People are encouraged to upload their pictures of these installations to social media channels using the hashtag, spreading the elfin magic across the digital realm.

When designing a campaign, we here at Beyond Traditional look to make an experiential activation scalable to maximize consumer reach and participation. The Tiny Door Project’s simultaneous launch of a digital campaign is one way to  bring the experience of localized activations to a national level. While people can visit the microsite to see where these doors are located in the select cities, consumers have even taken the initiative to interact with the project by creating their own elfin door masterpieces and submit photos online using #tinydoors. The digital world allows for campaigns to extend its event footprint past activation sites and increase the longevity of a campaign.

The Tiny Door Project focuses heavily on connecting consumers to Keebler on a much more personable and emotional level. By creating this relationship, a brand is able to solidify a larger brand loyalist fan base. A campaign looking to achieve long lasting ROI results has to achieve this.