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  • Vehicle Design & Build
  • Logistics Management
  • Event Planning & Negotiation
  • Staffing
  • Event Management
  • Collateral Development
  • Vendor Management

Verizon HomeFusion Tour


Top wireless carrier, Verizon, wanted to bring 4G connectivity to markets with limited access to traditional wireless Internet. Verizon Wireless teamed up with Beyond Traditional to launch the HomeFusion Tour to educate consumers about its cable alternative to high speed Internet.


Beyond Traditional built a mobile showroom that replicated the look and feel of a living room to demonstrate how the HomeFusion technology could be integrated in a consumer’s home. A flat screen TV and gaming system were installed to invite consumers to test out the speed of connection in a fun and engaging way. The mobile showroom traveled to local events in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington to engage with consumers while showcasing this new product.

In addition to acting as a B2C interaction point, the HomeFusion Tour made targeted store visits to act as a supplemental educational tool for Verizon employees about the technology and how it can connect with current Verizon products and services.


The tour generated over 50,000 unique impressions by educating consumers about the Verizon’s HomeFusion service and directly demonstrating how the technology works.

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